Baby and Pre school lessons
Our Baby and pre school classes are designed not only to build water confidence but help develop skills out of the water to such as walking and crawling, developing gross and fine motor skills, balance and co-ordination skills, muscle development and strengthening, speech and language to name but a few.
The lessons help to build confidence, trust and help build bonds both in and out of the swimming pool. We teach self rescue skills in a gentle method, unfortunately a couple of our swimmers have put it to the test! Of course as little ones grow we teach swimming and stroke development.
Emma's Otters won't promise after one lesson to have your little one swimming like a fish, or floating like the babies you see in the You tube films. Yes I have had babies floating but it's has more to do with their physical make up, what they are wearing and personality than one lesson a week.
Instead the lessons encourage imagination and fun we can often be found hunting butterflies and spiders, flying like pterodactyl, being tigers, swimming through sea weed and most excitingly exploring tunnels.
Baby Otter- 3-12 months
Fun and friendly relaxed classes with each child accompanied by a parent or carer. We work on blowing bubbles, encouraging hand eye coordination, kicking and bonding activities as we'll as safe drills. We also have the option for submersion's, though these are at your own discretion and only taken when you and your baby are ready. During these lessons we follow the STA Starfish award series, you can collect badges and certificates as your baby progresses!
Clawless Otter - 12-24 month
These lessons are specifically designed to help encourage you child's development with lots of balancing, co ordination and sensory skill, basic language and of course fun. We will be encouraging self submersion and swimming pool exploration with plenty of tunnels and mirrors to explore. We continue to follow the STA Starfish program moving towards the Stanley learn to swim program.
Giant and Marine Otter - 2 years and over
These lessons are lots of fun with caves to explore and imagination to be exploited. We encourage children to swim independently through a variety of different activities and games. We still have the added support of a parent or carer in the swimming pool. A perfect time to allow your toddler to have time alone with their parent or carer with out any distractions. during these lessons we follow the STA Stanley learn to swim program so you can collect badges and certificates as your toddler progresses!
Times and Prices
£10per a lesson mid week £11.00 per a lesson weekends to be paid in termly blocks
Baby and Pre-school lessons at
UKSA in Cowes or Medina house Newport
More information on Our Pools page
A Parents or career must get in the pool with children.
Monday- Friday £76 for a 8 week term,
Saturdays £84 for a 8 week term,
prorated if you start mid term.
Certificates and badge are £3.50 each
To book please email us.